C-Card: Exploring and Developing Digital Application for Condom Distribution in the Northeast
The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service offering free condom and sexual health information and support to young people. The objective of this project is to work closely with sexual health staff at New Croft Centre - Sexual Health Clinic and other stakeholders and co-create a mobile and/or web application for finding a condom.
This project has two main phases. In the first phase, we plan to wipe existing data points in the Condom Finder app which was previously developed, set up training sessions with C-Card coordinators and present the key functionalities of the moderation panel of the app. This activity would be helpful in addressing any of the questions about the system and establish communications for support. The second phase includes involving all key stakeholders and conducting scoping work and user research with this group and potentially a wider group of stakeholders and intended end-users. This may involve practice participatory design concept sketching, iterative prototyping and conducting user evaluation of high-fidelity prototype ‘in the wild’.
Projects: New Croft Centre - Sexual Health Clinic
People: Muhammad Umair, Rob Anderson, Abi Durrant, and Dave Kirk