Minipublics - deepening public participation in democratic decision making
We talked with Innovation Fellow Martin King about his work on minipublics - citizen assemblies, citizen juries and online deliberation.
Martin is a researcher whose work has focused on democratic theory, democratic innovations and digital citizen engagement. Martin's work explores deliberative engagement using methods such as deliberative mini-publics (for example, citizen assemblies), and efforts to support large-scale participation through online deliberation and deliberative crowdsourcing.
North of Tyne Combined Authority Climate Assembly:
This project provides an evaluation of the North of Tyne Climate Assembly exploring lessons from the delivery of the assembly itself, to the wider communication and impact of the assembly, including a long term evaluation of policy impact and participant satisfaction with the process.
Participatory and Deliberative Democracy in the time of Covid:
This project explores the impact of Covid on the practice of public engagement. One of the focuses of the project is on the role of technology and potential future development of hybrid approaches to citizen engagement.
Email - martin2.king@northumbria.ac.uk