Civic probes: a method for designing civic technologies with communities
We talked with Ian Johnson and Vasilis Vlachokyriakos about their new work on Civic Probes.
Vasilis Vlachokyriakos’ work centres on designing digital infrastructures for civic participation through novel place-based, participatory and action-led research methods aiming at the development of cooperative decision-making and service provisions.
We talked with Ian Johnson and Vasilis Vlachokyriakos about their new work on Civic Probes.
Civic probes is a methodological approach that aims at ensuring that digital technology and innovation respond to important societal concerns – such as extreme weather, power cuts, and flooding as well as loneliness, social cohesion, and equitable civic participation.
The pilot study aims to explore the motivations and assumptions behind technical responses to the problem of misinformation, content validation, and provenance in dialogue with the existing tactics and assessments audiences make when validating online information.