Sustainability Reflection Cards
This card deck is designed to be a tool to reflect on what sustainability means in relation to digital technology. It builds on a theoretical and methodological framework the “Circles of Sustainability”.
This card deck is designed to be a tool to reflect on what sustainability means in relation to digital technology. It builds on a theoretical and methodological framework the “Circles of Sustainability”.
Streetimals is a sensor-based play engine that can be used by children to support their outdoor play. The work responds to reports from play workers that children have had their play harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This project investigates spiritual well-being in the context of being connected to others for practicing faith and spirituality.
How can we better co-design and prototype emerging technology with communities at the centre?
Dovetails brought together two community groups: Beamish Museum’s Men’s Group and Kids Kabin Cowgate.